Thursday, May 29, 2008

Gratitude Journal. Entry 1.

Oprah says to keep a gratitude journal next to your bed, so at night you can reflect on your day and write about what you are grateful for. I LOVE this idea...I have loved it for years. I have NEVER done it though. So here is my first entry in my Digital Gratitude Journal, if you will. I will limit my entries to 10 so I don't sit here all night trying remember everything about my day:)
I am grateful for...
  • ... that box of frozen waffles in the freezer.
  • cold tall iced green tea from Starbucks. (and more economical than the tall, non-fat, iced mocha no whip). It is a $2 difference people. That is HUGE. Less fat too!
  • ...Nice Nurse Stacy that helped Kelly and Lily's doc office visit a little more endurable.
  • ...finding Peyton's green Tinkerbell shoe with a pom pom on it just in time. (Before impending meltdown...whew, that was close, wiping brow).
  • ...scrambled eggs in my fried rice from Pei Wei...YUM! Is it weird to be grateful for food;0
  • ...quick return on ultrasound results. Hemangiomas are not a bad thing...they are just internal kisses from heaven-yeah Read more about this at
  • ...a17 minute emergency phone call to a friend regarding a house decor emergency question-thank you, J. I really appreciate you:)
  • keys being where they needed to be this morning.
  • ...Lost season finale!
  • ...finding the one dollar bill and quarters needed to buy the second thing I was grateful for;0 I forgot my wallet at home.

Grateful Girl


bee said...

i love this idea of a gratitude journal. lovely post.

Carin said...

a writer you are not?

I beg to differ.

love this idea. I may have to copy you. did you get my voicemail? have you checked my blog?
