Peyton kayaking with Uncle Peter & Auntie Taryn.

Puddle player!

Baby Evie...such a little love!

Peyton looks like a college student to me in this pic.

Sandcastles and water are a HUGE thing at Evergreen!

My mom playing ping pong!

Our little 'Tiger!'

Bonfires and roasting
marshmellows...perfect end to a long day on the beach!
SMORES!!!!! Yummy!

I LOVE that we can walk barefoot on the grass in Canada and Michigan...not something done very often in Florida.

Okay, I know...it has been a long time since my last posting...14 DAYS!!! I have been on my family vacation and enjoying myself to the fullest!!! One exception...the WI-
FI connection in the lodge was hit and miss, and in my experience during the week, completely a MISS. Not always because the connection was down...but because I was so busy spending time and having fun with family and friends. Okay, some of the time I sat in a chair outside, and savored the view of the lake and the sun turning it different colors, making it all sparkly. I loved feeling the breeze and the smell of the fresh air. I am starting to sound like a Hallmark card, so I am going to stop-but these simple things are what I enjoyed most about our trip to Evergreen.
When I found myself alone, which was not much of the time, I would steal away from our little cottage in the woods, make myself a cup of the provided and steaming delicious coffee and have a seat in the retro (WAY OLD),plush familiar chair that i have sat in once a year every year for 21 years (give or take a year here and there). I would talk to people as they walked by marveling at how what seemed like a few years ago, these same people were sneaking away from their parents to take a walk in the woods with a boyfriend...are now married with a a little one or two (myself included;0). I would get caught up in many different "catch up" chats. The people here are people that we see once a year. I enjoy their company, love hearing what is going on in their lives, meeting new babies, sharing mine. I loved
playing a plethora of card and board games...but Evergreen is where it stops. No
Christmas cards, no phone calls,...we all just meet up every year in the last week of July and have a good time. We LOVE it. Also, my family is there, so it is non-stop family time for a week!
It is a place called Evergreen Resort and Lodge and it located in Red Bay, Ontario. The best way to describe it is the same kind of place that Baby met Johnny in the movie Dirty Dancing...
Kellerman's Resort, complete with a talent show at the end of the week where, "Nobody puts Baby in the corner!" (sorry, had to do it) Minus, of course, the dirty dancing, pregnancy drama, and sexy dance instructors!!!
Instead it is a place to relax, take pictures, enjoy each others company without the
interruption of
TV, phones, and housework...all meals served in the main dining area when the bell is rung 3 times a day!
It is a wonderful time where we watch the sunset every night, play shuffleboard, swim, fly a kite, play mini-golf, or one my personal favorites: take walks where I especially love to hear and feel the the rocks and dirt under my running shoes...sounds strange, but you can only get that feeling from walking in an '
up north' setting. I took 1000 pictures...Holy pictures. I had so much fun with my camera this week.
up north again tomorrow with a old friend for three days...this time no kiddies and no Jeff. Will miss them, but can't wait for the time to be me again. Recharge the batteries.
xoxo, missing my life in Florida-see you all soon!
Case number 4-5-6-8-9 Delinquent Blogger - ticket paid!!!! LOL