Sunday, July 6, 2008

Flowers for Mommy!

Plucking a flowie out of Sito and Gido's front yard...shhh, don't tell.
Proud smile on Beck's little face.
A little thing that means a lot:)

Is anything sweeter than the love of a baby for his or her mommy?
I think not.


Kelly Hutcheson said...

OMG! That is so sweet! You can see the pride on his face when he did that! I remember J&K doing that for Jennifer when I would babysit and it was so incredibly thoughtful and sweet!!

Kelle said...

Picking flowers from someone else's garden to give to mom is a rite of passage in a child's life. And he did it beautifully! Touche' Becks! And I bet you wore it proudly!